The Injured Athlete

When I started this blog on January 1, 2012 I was on my way to finally recovering from my runner’s knee and I wanted to document my training as I re-entered the running world. For a while I was doing quite well! I changed my running form and started to build up my mileage again. But then 2 weeks ago it appeared that I pulled my left glute muscle, which has left me with back, hip and leg pain, making it very difficult to walk. I went to the doctor last week and while he assured me a would start to feel better it feels like it has gotten worse and I have scheduled an appointment with another doctor today.

While I would much rather be posting about my nice long runs and how I fuel for them, my injury, which has pretty much taken cardio out of the picture for the moment, has forced me to yet again take time to reflect on myself as an athlete. I am a runner. I am someone who enjoys sweating, panting and hitting the pavement for more than an hour at a time. And this way of life is going to come with injuries every once in a while. It just so happens that my two most extreme injuries I have experienced have been back to back, but it is forcing me to see the larger picture. I wont hurt forever. I will be back and running sooner than I think. And it’s ok to take a break. These words are not easy for me to say but it is important that I write them here to solidify my commitment to myself to take it easy and heal so I can get back on my feet.

With that, walking, well really hobbling and wincing, was my exercise for the day yesterday and I look forward to answers from the doctor later today.

Confession: I enjoy watching this show when nothing else is on TV or when I simply don’t feel like changing the channel.

One thought on “The Injured Athlete

  1. Pingback: Kinda like a day back in college | Almond Jay

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