Who doesn’t love mail?

Thursday morning, after spinning the night before I decided to give my poor legs a break and focus on my upper body. If you want a great arm workout feel free to try out Julie’s set list here. I couldn’t lift my arms to wash my hair afterwards!

I did, however, find the strength to make this wonderful protein concoction:

Eggs and Oats

First, make some old fashioned oats by boiling 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1/2 cup of almond milk and 1 cup of water. Once this starts to thicken whisk together 3 egg whites in a separate bowl and then add them to the simmering oats. Make sure to keep stirring until everything comes together. Add some cinnamon and a dash of vanilla and then finish your eggs and oats with whatever you would like: nut butter, almonds, agave, chocolate chips, you name it 🙂

I arrived home from work to a wonderful surprise in the mail box! Opening the mail is always exciting because you never know what you are going to get: a magazine, a save the date magnet for your cousin’s wedding or a handmade card from one of your best friends. The March issue of Runner’s World had an incredibly appropriate article about the inevitability of injury and the mental struggle of coming to terms with the situation. Each step of denial, realization, and then acceptance resonated with my recent experience and gave me hope as the article claims “Run long enough and you’ll likely get hurt. But know this: You’ll also get better”.

To end the evening Dave and I headed to our favorite event in the city, the California Academy of Science’s Nightlife, where every Thursday night the museum is open to the 21+ crowd to enjoy a themed evening with drinks and music. Last night was all about the sketch comedy festival, Sketch Fest, and featured a fellow Brandeis classmate, Josh Gondelman, who stole the show! It’s always nice to see a familiar face 🙂

8 thoughts on “Who doesn’t love mail?

  1. Pingback: Standing Room Only | Almond Jay

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